Sunday was such a hard day, I cant remember the last time I cried that much. I had to say goodbye or better yet "see you later" to all my friends from church. They have all become like family and I am so sad to be leaving them. If they all had their way I would be staying here forever! I said goodbye to all my primary kids, hardest thing ever! If you know me then you know I get attached to kids quite easily. Then to the Rassmussen's who were nice enough to host a going away BBQ for me. It was lots of fun and also very hard. I have gotten so close to everyone who was there, they really have been my family while I have been away. Let's just say I will be making many visits back to NY! Thanks everyone for the great friendships and fun memories! I will miss you all tons!

Me and Joanne Reyes

Me and the McComb boys, Mattew and Gabriel.. ya Matthew is 11 and taller than me how sad is that!

Me and Jazmyn Reyes

Me and Brianna Ellis

Me and Kathy Vorwick, I served with her in the primary. I love this lady to death!

Michele, me, and Kathy. The best ladies I have ever met. They made being the in primary so fun!

The girls, Kira and Brianna, wrote me little goodbye notes on the chalkboard, yes I cried! :(

Kathy, Me, Rachel, and Barta at the BBQ

Ian, Me, Natalie and John Ellis... I know my face is retarded.. they were making me laugh.

Me and Teo

Charles, Me, Ryan and Katie Allen, and baby Carter